You are currently browsing the monthly archive for October 2011.

was me late friday and all of saturday

and this morning

but now

I just have a funny-feeling throat.

not trick-or-treating tomorrow

I have never, in my entire recallable life, felt this miserable.

I don’t even know where to begin. And I don’t feel like listing it all out either – it would make me feel worse right now.

There are just no words to describe how utterly down-in-the-dumps I am right now, today.

Ugh. -groans, rolls over-

Someone push me off a cliff or something, please. (Or I’ll throw myself off if that’s easier. Maybe. -head lolls-



harry potter


yrt and f’ing viva

(lack of) sleep


lecturing and yelling





yahoo news

SATs – 2011 pts

This post is not tagged because there’d be too many.

card reader broke down.

no pics, except for a handful of old ones.

okay, time to start over.

-hunts for new card reader-

look at this

look at this shiz

I’m giving myself work

a huge amount of work

(my regular homework isn’t even completing itself)

clubs (posters, meeting prep, emails, talking with teachers) x2

SAT, photos, long co-op hours, spending time to actually get ticked at my mom

okay no wtf


step back


and pick up the damn phys geo homework and finish it

and study for Thursday’s Chemistry test



you’re screwed otherwise

Which reminds me that I still need to take a decent shot of my time-turner. I’ll do that later.

You know I’ve started to post things from (LOL) 2009. Well, I also have things I want to post from now, so….

I’m going to change the date-stamps of the past!posts to match with their actual date. I’ll always post a link for the present times, so… you won’t miss anything? xD

Starting today. This post will update itself once I get the (Forks of the Credit) post done. See you in a bit.

Happy Thanksgiving!


was rather lucky, eh?

I successfully went on a period-long walk during Phys Geo because I watched Twister already (and I honestly can’t stand tornadoes).

I found out (through Mich and Manis) that I got two awards from the Award Ceremony (which the office didn’t notify me about, so I didn’t got) which were Fashion Design and Travel and Tourism. Thank you very, very much, PC and Marcantonio. I… -grin-

The 40 Hours Club meeting (first!) was incredibly successful, with approximately 30 people coming (even though I only have received 19 subscriptions). I already bought juice and food for our VolOpp tomorrow, so… xDDDD

My grandma is coming back from China today~ Everything is working out well (got ideas for Co-op project, going back on Tuesday), long weekend (Canadian Thanksgiving this Monday~).

I woke up this morning to have my mom tell me my dad said yes for the History trip! -cheers- Though he hasn’t confirmed with me, and they just got home from shopping… I hope its true. They were rather happy with my two awards~ Plus I was feeling lucky what with the club thing and everything and I’m just so happy~~~!

I’m putting my florist/flower photos up on flickr soon, so keep an eye out!

If you are with us at RHHS, and would like to receive volunteer opportunities… Read the rest of this entry »

Click Mattie!

October 2011

Random Twinness

He held up the cube, a dusty white and slightly shiny little box about the size of a die. "It's a Sugar Bomb. It was supposed to give someone a sugar high and any spell performed Conjured white sugar, after they ate it." Said Fred.

"Instead, our lab rat exploded, and it took us a few weeks to get the blood and fur off the walls." Continued George, with a grimace on his face. "Never mind the huge mound of white sugar we found ourselves standing in. We tried for a while to recover our clothing, but it ended up being easier to Vanish, the sugar was so thin. But you know how dangerous it is to Vanish clothing from a live body."

"It was one of those things we invented and then wondered why about. We have plenty of other sweets that would have done the same."

The two younger blonds that sat at the table with the red heads nodded in agreement. Lorcan spoke first.

"We made a spell that we wondered why about, even though it is useful now."

"Yeah, I mean, when do you need a spell that removes all your clothing safely, except for your undergarments?" Lysander snorted, reminiscing when the Scamander twins tried it on each other.

"But obviously you two could have used it then." Lorcan concluded, a smile on his face, but then he frowned. "Or maybe you could use the one that removes all the clothing? We adjusted the spell after...well." A light pink blush began to spread, and the older blond twin matched him.

The Weasley twins, men now, laughed aloud. They didn't need to know what happened, imagination was enough.